I'm addicting to talking to snowmobile-addicted people. Why?
I'm addicted to peanut butter, but thats a given.
I'm addicted to watching WifeSwap and Big Love and my husband thinks I want a new wife or something.
I'm addicted to buying dog toys for Saki. I.just.can't.stop.
I'm addicted to flowers and bears and strawberries. If something has them on it, I have a hard time not possessing it.
I'm addicted to saying very random things... like addictions.
I'm addicted to taking pictures of everything and anything.
10 random things about me:
-I have a dog who wears a diaper because he pisses in the house at any chance he gets.
-You can pretty much set your watch to my daily activities.
-I won't drink out of a coffee cup that doesn't have some sort of design on it.
-I have a weakness for male country singers.
-I have a fight with the husband twice a year - in the fall when I want to put the flannel sheets on the bed and in the spring when he wants them off.
-I like pickled fish.
-I have ruined tons of black t-shirts by cleaning with bleach when I have them on.
-I can't take any medications because I am so sensitive to them.
-There will always be music on somewhere around me.
-I don't like eating at restaurants that I haven't eaten at before.
left you an award on my blog :o)
Cheeseburgers. I can't stop the cravings. How do I stop the cravings?
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