Monday, June 15, 2009

600th post & Mel

This is my 600th post. Are we thrilled? I'm really not.....

Anyway. A friend of mine posted a picture of Mel in IC's picture of the day thread today... and one yesterday & today in the same type of thread over at
He didn't know... or forgot... that I was "a Mel fan". I politely informed him that I am not just a fan - I am his future wife and that, yes, the husband knew about this.
How could he forgot about my love for Mel? Seriously? He isn't much a friend I guess to forget such a valuable piece of information about me. That would be like everyone forgetting Jodi & Elvis.

But I guess I've forgiven him because he did post this picture of Mel with a kitty. It is now my desktop background.

Oh... and sorry, I suppose if you aren't a member at IC yet you can't see that thread I was talking about. I guess you'll just have to join then.

I just dont' understand why you haven't yet.

Happy Monday & Happy 600th post to me.