Friday, May 30, 2008

What to do in the rain....

Play in it, of course!!

We had a quick downpour tonight and I talked the girls into going out and playing in it. Hey.. you are only young once! Actually, Demon #2 asked if she could and I think she was surprised when I agreed - I had to talk her into doing what she had asked to do in the first place!

Didn't take long and they were soaked... I'm talking less than a minute. Huge drops. They were also cold and wanted to come in the house, but I had to make them wait until I got a picture first.... Then lets see... what can I find to take a picture of from inside the door without getting wet? This turned out strange - at first I was going to delete this picture until I realized that they look frozen. It's not a good picture, but yet it is...
The rain ended and the sun came out.. and I went out... and thats how we spent our Friday night...

Coming Soon to a blog near you....

Stay tuned for more information regarding "Thursday Thunks"!

We'll make you think....

Add yourself if you think you are interested! (it's also a test to make sure I've got MrLinky working right!)

Summer vacation and blog designs.

Ok. I think I'm done... for now... changing things on my blog. See, I found this really cool blog yesterday and the hints, tips and step-by-step descriptions on how to do things rock my socks off. I just went with it.

I've done enough, like I said... for now. Now it's time to go back to regular scheduled blogging.

Today is the last day of school for the demons, which means it's the last day of my freedom as I know it. I enjoy my alone time each day... I still consider it needed from those toddler years. So next weeks starts the day after day excitement of trying to keep the demons occupied, happy and from killing each other. That is why I plan on spending a lot of time out at the lake this year. They can fish & swim until their hearts are content... I just might have to invest in a laptop pretty soon so I can blog while tanning.