10 Ways You Can Save Money
- Don't spend it. Thats a very simple answer.
- Don't buy $5 coffees, which I don't do. Seriously, I've never even had a $5 coffee - are they worth it?
- My biggest one, but this only applies if you live in a small town like I do. Shop locally. I can't see driving 20 miles to go grocery shopping when the same items are here in town for the same price - sometimes cheaper! Sometimes they are a few cents more expensive, but Whamo! I just saved that on gas.
- Cook at home. Stop eating out so much. I know a family that will drive that 20 miles because they want Burger King. Stupid. Eating out once and awhile is ok, but when you drop $25 on 4 subs at Subway, think about how many home cooked meals that $25 could make.
- Don't always buy the cheapest stuff. Sometimes cheap is cheap and you'll end up buying more in the end. Dishsoap is an example - ever bought the cheap stuff? Wonder why it's so much thinner than Dawn? Because you get more soap with Dawn!
- Turn off lights when you aren't using them - didn't your mother ever teach you anything? Better yet, use candles.
- Walk once and awhile. If where you are going can get you there by foot in 10-15 minutes, leave your car keys at home once and awhile. Plus it will get rid of your inflating gut.
- Make your kids suffer this Christmas. Take them to the homeless shelter for their gift.
- Say "NO" to Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and school fundraisers! (anyone wanna buy a candy bar for $1? Demon #2 is selling them for her World Geography class....they wanna go to D.C. next year)
- Quit blogging. Turn off your internet and that'll save you some cash. Of course you'll then have a bill at the local mental institution, but at least you'll have something interesting to tell your therapist.