Thursday, September 04, 2008

Hey Saki, wanna bath?

It's been awhile....

A bath? Water? I like water! Are we going to the lake? The lake has water... I like to splash in it and chase things in it.. water is fun!

Whoa.. wait a minute... this isn't the lake. What is this?

I don't know if I like this.....
Ok I'm pretty sure I don't like this. There's the door... what if I make a run for it?

Maybe if I lay down... hey, this ain't so bad...the bubbles taste sorta good.
(notice how dirty the water got? She NEEDED a bath BAD!)
Ok now you are just making me look stupid.
But it's sorta warm.. I think I'll walk around the house with it on. All clean.... but next time can we just do it in the lake?

Thursday Thunks 9.4

Welcome to the Thursday Thunks! Where we make you think a little bit before you blog!

This week we will answer:

Since this is the week that most kids go back to school... I know some of you are last week or last month, but this is my meme and my demons went back this week... so there! LOL
This week lets think back to our school days... way back in time. Pick a teacher and tell us about them. Were they your favorite? Your least favorite? Something spectacular happen to them while you were in school? Whatever the reason is that that particular teacher just popped into your head - tell us about it.

And because school started this week and with Labor Day and all... I totally forgot it was Thursday.... so I'm sorry for this not being set up before hand. Forgive me?

.... and tell your friends!

Don't forget to link back to us and visit other's Thursday Thunks and comment!