Monday, July 20, 2009

MCQ: Helter Skelter

1.what is one thing that will put a great big ole smile on your face?

Golden Retriever puppies. Especially mine.

2.Your walking down the street toward a very familiar face. As you get closer you
realize you do not remember this persons name at all. Do you speak with the chance that they'll want to stop and chat or do you pretend that you don't see the person?
I pretend not to see them unless they say something.... then I fake it.
3. Are you the Rock or the sponge of your household?

I'm a sponge - I'm the one who cleans everything up.
4. You have gone over to a friends for dinner. You look down at your plate and notice a great big ole hair hanging out from inside your sandwich. What do you do. ?
I feel like I'm at home...
5. If you HAD to name one....who would you say is your role model?

My daddy
6. Have you raised children? if so do you think your parenting skills were top notch or could have used a little help from Dr Phil?

I suck at raising kids. Have you seen mine?

7. would your -(Past or present)- mate/spouse, significant other/whatever -say that living with you has been like a gentle breeze or more like a hurricane?
Wow. I had to read that like 10 times to understand it. He'd say I'm like a hurricane. I know it.
8. When you shop at the grocery store, do you always shop exactly by a list or just go helter skelter and hope that you get home with most of what you need?
I always forget something and buy 15 more things that I went in for in the first place.


Lana said...

puppies are so dang special...I'd have a hundred if I could....

LOL #3 never thought of it that way....but :ain't that the truth?" LOL

I over buy at the store too! I finally got out of tyhe habit of picking up magazines at the check out though!That can get pretty costly :-)
Thanks for playing!!!

Lady Sinistral said...

Cute puppy pic!

I gave you an award!