Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday... whoa

Sunday Stealing: The Stolen Sex Meme
Wow. You guys are just getting down & dirty, aren't ya? I'm gonna do this, but I can't guarantee the answers!

*answers deleted*

Ok, sorry guys. I had to edit. The more the day went on, the more uncomfortable I got.

I will leave the hubby's picture up just for imagination purposes!!!


Coffee Slut said...

Love your answers!
I'm gonna skip it this week ...too many people I know read my blog and it would be just TMI!
Happy Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I think i gotta go and change my answers to alot more blah blah blahs! LOL

Anonymous said...

lol...i actually was editing my answers while you left your comment so, I deleted some of my original answers!

Debbie said...

woohooo on your husband!!!!!

Bud Fisher said...

I agree the meme bit the big one...

MJV said...

Bwahaha. Love the picture even if you weren't brave enough to keep the answers up. :-)