So I dropped $25 on a month of advertising over at MomBloggers for (thats my store!). It will be interesting to see if I get any sales... much less hits from it. Maybe I just threw $25 out the window, who knows.
Did a RSS feed of the forums to here today, too. Maybe that will bring someone over. Now you can look over to the right side of this page and see if anything we ramble about interests you - then go there and ramble about it yourself. Then play in the arcade because it's the cool thing to do.
The husband called me at 6:30 this morning, got my ass out of bed... I was comfortable, too... to tell me that the cops were on a manhunt for some dude right outside of town at 4am. Helicopters with search lights and everything. I missed all the excitement. Still haven't heard anything else about it though. Gotta remember, I live in a small town - things like this are like government takeover type news.
I guess I didn't miss all the excitement... I had a dream last night that I got married and then realized... shit, I'm already married! So I was trying to figure out how to get unmarried to the 2nd guy before the cops found out.
... the 2nd guy was Jason. It was so fricken weird. Never did figure out who the 1st husband was. I wonder if it was Mel Gibson?
My feet are being warmed up by a golden furry blanket. I knew she'd be good for something.
Why am I doing this? I really don't know.
Strange Thursday.
YIKES! A manhunt??? That would have been the end of my sleeping. Did you army crawl around with a shotgun or anything? What ended up happening...hear any news?
No! Which makes this all stranger. Hopefully the paper will have something in the morning and I'll do a follow up!
I wasn't freaked out... he ran across the freeway I guess - he had a long way to run to get to me.
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