1. So Halloween is this weekend, if you haven't heard. Are you gonna open your doors up or not?
Of course. I think Demon #1 and her bff are handing out candy.
2. You better open 'em cuz I'm coming... what are you putting in my treat bag?
M&M's, Payday and Butterfingers. And blow pops for those with peanut allergies.
3. Since October is the bestest month for television (well for cable & dish subscribers it is) and there is a horror movie on at any given time of the day - are you sick of them yet?
Absolutely not!
4. Which one of those movies can you watch over & over again?
Almost all of them...
5. Tell us about a Halloween scare you've had....

When I was TorT'ing with a friend and we saw this scarecrow laying in the yard... then it jumped up and chased us.
6. Did you watch the old Casper cartoons when you were a youngin? Well, back then they weren't old I suppose, but I'm sure you still understand my question.
I loved Casper :)
7. Have you ever found a four-leaf clover?
8. Haunted Houses... you know, the kinds you pay to get in and they chase you with chainsaws and severed heads.... do you like 'em?
No. But I go to them anyway LOL
9. Do you use cute cartoon type wrapping paper for Christmas presents or the not cutesy paper? Or are you one of those gift card and/or gift bag people?
Cute snowmen, cute santas and fuzzy critters.
10. How long do boiled eggs need to stay in the boiling water before they become hard boiled eggs?
Ok so far from what I read, nobody actually caught this one. Hard boiled eggs can't not become hard boiled eggs.
11. Jason is coming in through your front door... Freddy is coming through your back door... zombies are at every window of the house and Norman Bates is calling to invite you to dinner... what do you do?
I run to Jason, of course... my hubby will always save me. :)
12. Did you know that the scariest part of Halloween is giving all of your Reeses Peanut Butter Cups away?
Yep and thats why the bags of them I bought don't go into the hand-out bowl.
13a. If you were to play a part of a haunted house (not the ghosts in the attic kind), what would you want to be?
a witch
13b. Have you ever played a part in a haunted house?
Yeah, a couple friends of mine and myself were in a G-rated haunted house at the elementary school. James & Chris were mad scientists and I was who they were experimenting on.
14. If Thursday Thunks had a Halloween party, what do you think Kimber & Berleen would come dressed as?
Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb?
15. Do you cook a turkey for Thanksgiving?
16. Have you ever read a book that scared the pants off of you?
Stephen King's Pet Semetary - ok well, it helped that when I finished the book I was on Church Ave next to a cemetery - that was weird.
17. Whats the predicted high temperature for today?
18. Have you ever howled at the moon?
You ain't lived until you do...
19.You are in an alley and a werewolf and a vampire are coming at you - one of them has to win. Which one do you want to bite you?
I'll go for the wolf... at least he's nice & warm & furry.