I went directly to Snopes.com because, come on... who seriously would do this to a dog, right? And who would actually stand by, after paying money to see art, and watch this poor dog die?
Snopes.com - Starving Dog Art
Sadly, part of it may be true. It hasn't been discounted.
In the email I received there were 6 pictures

The good news is, no dog was put in as a replacement once this dog died. It was a one time thing.
Thank God.
But in Snopes.com it says that the artists point of the exhibit was to show how hypocrital people are.
Boom. Someone just hit me in the chest.

His point was - you take a dog, put it on display and refuse to feed it.. emails go around the world, people scream and cry and protest - wanting him out of the art world for doing such a thing.
But would we have stopped and given this dog... this same dog... the time of day or a second thought if we had seen it on the street starving, just as the artist had on the day he chose him? Some of us would, some of us would not.
But... is this art? No, no way in hell. But it is one helluva message this guy sent!