1. My uncle once : died of alcoholism. He only did it once. (sorry... he was the only uncle I really knew...)
2. Never in my life : have I skydived. I will never in my life skydive.
3. When I was seventeen : I was dating a guy who was 27.
4. High School was : a time when life was easy, at least I can say that now.
5. I will never forget : that butterflies in your stomach, walking with your head held high and not feeling the ground, adrenaline rush feeling of new & budding love.
6. I once met : a girl online who was more deranged than I was so I decided to keep her and call her my best friend.
7. There’s this girl I know who : can make me laugh at any given moment in time and I call her my bestest friend.
8. Once, at a bar : I stopped in for a drink because I was getting my mail. The bar & the post office were the same building.
9. By noon, I’m usually : done working.
10. Last night : I got a hair stuck in my throat.
11. If only I had : 260 million dollars. It might be enough money for the husband to buy everything he wants.
12. Next time I go to gym/church : everyone will turn and say "what the heck are you doing in here?"
13. Susan Boyle : is someone I do not know.
14. What worries me most : is that I will never have enough strength to overcome this anxiety disorder.
15. When I turn my head left, I see : a wall.
16. When I turn my head right, I see : a dryer that is drying clothes.
17. You know I’m lying when : I tell you I am.

18. What I miss most about the eighties : hair bands & love ballads.
19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be : whatever character has a love scene with the character Mel Gibson is playing.
20. By this time next year : I'll have a demon with a driving permit. If she's lucky.
21. A better name for me would be : Beth.
22. I have a hard time understanding : math.
23. If I ever go back to school, I’ll : have overcome this anxiety disorder.
24. You know I like you if : I can make you laugh.
25. If I ever won an award, the first person I’d thank would be : my dog.
26. When I compare 80’s rock to 90’s rock : I wonder where all the good ballads went.
27. Take my advice, never : try to demonstrate how to bounce on your back on a trampoline - when you are not on a trampoline.
28. My ideal breakfast is : coffee with a side of chocolate & peanut butter.
29. A song I love, but do not own is : every song I love because if I owned them, as in the rights to them, I'd have a little bit more money in the bank.
30. If you visit my hometown, I suggest : you come visit me!
31. My favorite Beatle is : made by Volkswagen.
32. Why won’t people : just shut the hell up once and awhile?
33. If you spend the night at my house : you'll be awoken by a golden retriever jumping on you.
34. I’d stop my wedding for : Mel Gibson screaming, "no!!! I'm here!"
35. The world could do without : stupid people.
36. I’d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than : the belly of a spider.

He is also probably the only blonde man that I find attractive. I've never like blondes, but there's something about the way he can slide across the hood of a car that makes me feel --- see #5.
38: Paper clips are more useful than : staples because they don't hurt when you try to take them off.
39. If I do anything well, it’s : make people question my sanity.
40. And by the way : I love you.